
Stewartville MN Senior Shoot {SE Minnesota Senior Photographer}

This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to work with a few 2021 seniors who also happen to be children of my high school classmates. Such an honor and so much fun to catch up with friends. Alyssa was one of those 2021 seniors we got to do portraits for.

Alyssa is graduating from Stewartville High School this spring. One of her activities there is playing on the Varsity Girls Soccer Team. So we made sure that we headed out to the soccer field for one of her 4 sessions that we did with her Exclusive Portrait Session. We timed it absolutely perfect and were blessed with a beautiful sunset that evening. We also were able to get photos that showcase her lighthearted personality in the studio, a summer session in Lanesboro and a fall session at Quarry Hill in Rochester, Minnesota.

Enjoy these shots from her beautiful senior shoot:


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Newborn Twins {SE Minnesota Twin Newborn Portrait Photographer}

Congratulations to this beautiful family who just welcomed twin boys into their family. I always enjoy the chance to photograph twins when the awesome opportunity arises, what a blessing to have two little bundles of joy!


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Sunflower Mini {SE MN Sunflower Portrait Photographer}

The snow falling outside today is beautiful, but how about some sunshine, smiles, and sunflowers to look at instead? The sun and colors were so perfect. And how cute are Coffee and her Mom? Coffee kept us laughing during the session. She loved being the center of attention. In our session questionnaire, Coffee’s mom mentioned that Coffee loved bees and it would be great if we could get a bee in a photo. We were able to make that happen. Can you spot the bee in the photos?


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Unicorn Portraits {Southeast MN Children’s Portrait Photographer}

Your little girl is growing day by day, so it’s important to capture your little beauty in incredible photographs. Most little girls dream of meeting a unicorn when they are little. And Miss M’s Mom made sure that dream came true for Miss M’s 3-year old portrait session. It was an unforgettable experience, a fairy tale.


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Newborn Boy {Chatfield MN Newborn Portrait Photographer}

Recently Mr. A visited us in the studio with his Mom and Dad. When I met Mr. A his most striking feature, besides the fact that he was a perfect little darling, is his head of dark brown hair. He is so adorable. He slept like an angel through most of the posing, aside from one short snack break. Newborns are often extra hungry from the movement during posing, and we always account for that time during the session.

Here are some of our favorite images from the session. Enjoy!


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Photography by Kari specializes in custom portraiture of newborn, family, children sports team banners, dog, and high school seniors in Spring Valley, MN, and surrounding Southeast Minnesota areas.

Areas, including, but not limited to, Rochester, Preston, Chatfield, Stewartville, Grand Meadow, LeRoy, Ostrander, Kasson, Hayfield, Plainview, St. Charles and Pine Island.

Southeast Minnesota based photographer.

specializing in newborn, family, children, and senior photography.

located in sPRING vALLEY, mn

TELEPHONE :: 507.951.0640

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