Wow, what a year we are having so far and it’s only March, still!! How is everyone doing?
As I sit here looking at my camera… I am a bit sad. It has been 9 days since we had to put our businesses on hold with any sessions for the safety of our clients, me and Andrea and for everyone to do our part in flattening the curve. I would never forgive myself if any of our clients ended up contracting this virus, or God forbid lose a loved one because we allowed transmission. Furthermore, Andrea is also at a higher risk as she is pregnant. Lastly, I’m also high risk as I have a lower lung function and also no diaphragm muscles to cough well.
We’ve never gone more than a week in these last 15 years without working with my wonderful clients. We miss you!
I want to be able to do something to help and I have seen many photographers doing family portraits on the family’s front steps(#thefrontstepsproject) and doing them with no contact and at a safe distance, Such a fun idea. However, since I’m higher risk as well as Andrea, I decided to not do these. Then this morning I saw a great idea from Always Happy Life Photography…. The Front Door Selfie.
You stay home with your family, take a selfie for now, then make a donation to a charity that is serving your community in this time of need. Then when it’s safe, I’ll schedule a time to come do a quick five minute family portrait session of you and your family with your front door. We will do these in a 25 mile radius of Spring Valley.
In Becky’s words, “you see, we really all need to just stay home right now to flatten the curve for Covid-19. There really isn’t any denying it and I want to do my part. But I also love the idea of capturing families, since that is my favorite type of session! We are all home with family right now, so it’s easy to get everyone in for a quick selfie and everyone has a front door. We also need to see our friend’s and family’s faces on social media, because the connection helps. Thus “The Front Door Selfie” #thefrontdoorselfie was born!”
Here’s how you participate:
1) Send a selfie of you and your family to me in front of your front door to with Covid-19 in the subject line and let me know you’re in! It can be from inside your front door or outside…or any door in your home or it could be a photo of what you are doing to keep your self busy! Also include a receipt from a donation to your charity of choice with a note that says #thefrontdoorselfie
2) Let me know if I have permission to share your selfie and I will!
3) When Covid-19 is not a worry any longer for any of us, I’ll reach out and set up a quick session (five minutes!) with you to photograph your family in front of your front door. You’ll receive a digital file of your family in front of your front door for taking part in this community movement.
4) Everyone who participates will also be entered into a drawing to win a Standard Session, which includes a $50 print credit. Drawing date will be determined at a later date once everything has settled down.
Lastly, we are still taking orders for sessions already completed. We are drop shipping straight to your house, at no cost to you. And if you’re needing graduation invitations, we can get them designed now and add the date later. Currently, the 2-sided and 4-sided are on sale BOGO ( buy a pack of 25, get a pack of 25) until May 1, 2020
I appreciate your patience, understanding and most importantly your support during this difficult time. We are all in this together!! Sending everyone prayers and positive thoughts!! Stay safe. May we all get back to our normal lives soon.
Here are our selfies to start us off.
P.S. Don’t laugh too hard at my selfies. Tried with Maverick, but it was a fail. So I did one by myself and shared my fails. 😉 Yes, Maverick is on my lap(crazy puppy), but would not cooperate with me nor were my arms long enough to take a selfie.
