
Tag Archives: Senior 2013

Jordan ’13 Part 1 {Stewartville MN Senior Photographer}

Part one of Jordan's sneak peek as I don't have to time to get the full sneak peek up before leaving for my shoot,…

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Autumn ’13 {Spring Valley MN Senior Portrait Photographer}

We got a beautiful day for Autumn's outdoor photos....

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Sara ’13 {Spring Valley Minnesota Senior Photographer}

We got to do some nighttime shooting after we ran out of light down in Lanesboro.  So much fun!

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Aren ’13 {Rochester MN Senior Portrait Photographer}

Some favorites from this afternoon, the second part of Aren's senior session....

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Jillian ’13 {Chatfield Minnesota Senior Photographer}

Although, it was rainy yesterday early in the day, it turned out to be beautiful night for this senior's…

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Aren ’13 {Rochester MN Senior Photographer}

Some favorites from Aren's indoor session...  Thanks to Old Tyme Saloon in Spring Valley, MN for letting us use their…

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Photography by Kari specializes in custom portraiture of newborn, family, children sports team banners, dog, and high school seniors in Spring Valley, MN, and surrounding Southeast Minnesota areas.

Areas, including, but not limited to, Rochester, Preston, Chatfield, Stewartville, Grand Meadow, LeRoy, Ostrander, Kasson, Hayfield, Plainview, St. Charles and Pine Island.

Southeast Minnesota based photographer.

specializing in newborn, family, children, and senior photography.

located in sPRING vALLEY, mn

TELEPHONE :: 507.951.0640

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