
Tag Archives: 2012

Family {Rochester Minnesota Family Photographer}

Time to play catch up on all the sneak peeks I didn't post the last month or so from us being extremely busy at the…

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Merry Christmas! {Spring Valley MN Portrait Photographer}

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! Enjoy the coming days with friends and family! Some photos from an impromptu shoot with…

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Black Friday * Small Business Saturday * Cyber Monday $100 Drawing Winner {Southeast MN Portrait Photographer}

Drum Roll, ........  .......  ........ The winner for the additional $100 print credit to be added to their session…

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Holiday Open House * Historic Broadway * VCC Family Christmas {Spring Valley Minnesota Holiday Portrait Photographer}

Lots of information coming your way in this post. First, you're invited to stop into the studio for our Holiday Open…

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Sale {Southeast Minnesota Portrait Photographer}

Hope you've all gotten your legs and eyes rested from Black Friday and that fingers aren't feeling too bad this am from…

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Black Friday~Small Business Saturday~Cyber Monday {Southeast Minnesota Portrait Photographer}

This Black Friday, why get up at 4am to stand in line and fight the crowds? Stay home where it's warm and comfortable;…

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6 months {Southeast Minnesota Baby Portrait Photographer}

Lots of kisses from Mom....  Santa is coming soon! 

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Photography by Kari specializes in custom portraiture of newborn, family, children sports team banners, dog, and high school seniors in Spring Valley, MN, and surrounding Southeast Minnesota areas.

Areas, including, but not limited to, Rochester, Preston, Chatfield, Stewartville, Grand Meadow, LeRoy, Ostrander, Kasson, Hayfield, Plainview, St. Charles and Pine Island.

Southeast Minnesota based photographer.

specializing in newborn, family, children, and senior photography.

located in sPRING vALLEY, mn

TELEPHONE :: 507.951.0640

E-MAil ::