I’ve had a few camera cards with family candids laying on my desk since this past summer, knowing I needed to get them onto my computer still. I finally got around to it on Friday. Last summer, I got to spend my days hanging out with my little cousins every other week. We spent a lot of time outside, swimming, having water balloon fights, doing sidewalk chalk art, picking flowers, and probably the most time was spent up in our woods on a fallen tree. They just loved climbing it and jumping off it into the wildflowers we have planted by it. It’s pretty cool that they are the 6th generation of McGill-McGhie-Millet’s to run around our farm. Can wait to be doing this again in four months or so….
These photos also make me laugh because I remember asking “C” “is it winter, today?” To which he replied, “No, it’s summer”, I then said “are you sure, because I think you may roast today with the temp being 80 something and hot. ” He looked at me like, “oh, man” and asked, “really?”. “Yep!” I believe he ended up putting his swimming trunks on at some point.
The picture above blows me away because he looks exactly like his Dad, which I usually don’t always see because I can see his Mom in him as well, but in this photo all I see is his Dad.
LOVE her laugh, it makes my heart smile. =)
Happy 4th of July! {Southeast MN Portrait Photographer} » Photography By Kari — Kari McGill — Southeast Minnesota Photographer[…] in the same spot as a few years ago to show just how much they have changed. (You can see those here) And we got some great images just in time for the 4th of […]