It’s National Love Your Pet Day, a celebration marking the special relationship we have with our pets.
I love our dog, Maverick, and how much a pet can make our lives so fun. He is more than a pet, he is a much-needed member of our family. How in the world could we live without them?!
Pets provide us with so much more than companionship. Every day through our dog, we have a great example of unconditional love. Something we all need a reminder of since we as humans can sometimes forget that we are all human and make mistakes. Our dog never judges us or holds a grudge when we make a mistake, lose our temper, or accidentally step on a tail. They love us no matter what. They show us selflessness, never expecting anything in return except maybe a game of fetch here and there or a few treats in Maverick’s mind. They remind us to cherish the simple things in life, like spending time together by laying at your feet while you work or taking a walk together.
Pets make us better people, I can proudly say on this day and EVERY DAY I LOVE my pet and all he does for me!
