Another family that I have had the honor of watching grow from tiny newborns to absolutely adorable little ones. It’s no surprise that I love what I do but it’s even more special when I know I am getting so see an old friend, too!
These two little ones are so sweet – and I really love how much you can see that big sister adores her little brother in the one photo below when Mr. “D” wanted nothing to do with photos at the start of the shoot. But as you can see from the car photos, he later enjoyed the shoot and in the end didn’t want to the leave the studio.
Excited to share this preview with Mom & Dad! And with everyone as we got to use a couple of our new backdrops, yesterday.
We gave her her first sour patch kid, thinking we would get a funny face out of her, but we got no reaction and she said she liked it when we asked her if it was sour. I like them, too, but still pucker every time I eat one, so I’m not sure how she managed to eat one without doing so.
Ms.”C” in her Mom’s wedding dress. So, precious! On a side note, I got the biggest compliment from Ms. “C” as well this morning, I was texting with her Mom to see if she wanted to keep the Christmas photos under wraps for Christmas cards, and she told me that “C” had just told her, ” I love, Kari”. How sweet is she? But it may be because she got to eat candy during the major part of her shoot, too. lol But it sure made my day. =)