
One-Year Old Paint Smash {Souteast Minnesota Toddler Photographer}

Every session we photograph is truly special as we are capturing a moment in time in someone’s life. Rylee and I had the honor to photograph Mr. L for his 1-year portrait session and I was so moved by this family’s love, strength, and resilience! Mr. L was born at 24 weeks weighing 1 pound 7 ounces 1 year ago today on March 5th. All that to say, Mr. L is truly a miracle baby coming into this world so early and during the start of a pandemic. What a story he will have to tell his children and grandchildren!

Mr. L spent a good portion of his first year in the hospital hitting milestones so that he could go home with his family. To mark each milestone, he got a bead, so we made sure we took a photo with ALL his beads to show ALL that he has accomplished in a year. He’s still on a little bit of oxygen, but you would never know it as he rocked his entire session without needing it and seemed to be enjoying his break from it. We also had fun doing something a little different, a paint smash instead of a cake smash. Now his family will be able to keep his first painted canvas as a memory of his 1-year portrait session.

Have I said it lately, I always have and always will LOVE being a photographer?? I’m so humbled and honored when families choose me to be their photographer. Here are a few favorite portraits of Mr. L’s one-year session.


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1 Year Old {Fountain Minnesota Photographer}

Anyone else excited for the taste of Spring we are getting in Minnesota for the next 6 days or so?! I was putting in a print order from this session this morning, and I thought they felt Spring-like with the colors and her expressions are likely how we are all feeling about the weather.


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2 Year Old Beauty {Cresco Iowa Children’s Photographer}

A Beauty and the Beast inspired session. Miss “I” is turning 2 and her birthday theme is going to be Beauty and the Beast, so her Dad brought a costume and dressed as the beast for her session. How adorable is that?!


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Luke ’21 {Minnesota Senior Guy Photographer}

Luke’s shoot was so fun because he trusted me and Shelby, was totally down for anything, and had some of his own ideas, too.

We went to a couple different locations for this Grand Meadow 2021 graduate’s photo session that I think were great choices in showing places that have helped shape him to be who he is right now as a senior guy about to graduate. Our first stop was outside at his house, then we stopped by his church and lastly we stopped at the track and football field at his high school. Such a fun time filled with laughs and collaborating to get the get great senior photos. I can’t express how polite of a young man he is and so appreciative! Sessions this fun and relaxed remind me again that we’ve got the best job in the world! Thank you so much for asking us to capture this time of your life and I wish you all the best after high school!

Enjoy a few of our favorites from Luke’s senior portrait session.


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Maternity Milestone {Spring Valley Minnesota Maternity Photographer}

Everyday seems to be a holiday when you are a photographer! One perk of the job is celebrating milestones with families. Maternity sessions are one of those milestones that are exciting and filled with anticipation and wonder for the entire family.

And I can’t wait to capture this family’s next milestone when we get to meet the 4th member of their family in a few weeks.


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Photography by Kari specializes in custom portraiture of newborn, family, children sports team banners, dog, and high school seniors in Spring Valley, MN, and surrounding Southeast Minnesota areas.

Areas, including, but not limited to, Rochester, Preston, Chatfield, Stewartville, Grand Meadow, LeRoy, Ostrander, Kasson, Hayfield, Plainview, St. Charles and Pine Island.

Southeast Minnesota based photographer.

specializing in newborn, family, children, and senior photography.

located in sPRING vALLEY, mn

TELEPHONE :: 507.951.0640

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